How Do You Kiss Someone For The First Time?


So, there’s certain things you can do to plan for your first kiss session.

Even though, if you’re uncertain of your first-ever kiss, you should not worry – we’ve got your back, folks!

Oh, that first kiss. It’s been glorified in movies, TV, and books targeting the young for quite many years. Such first kiss, It has the incredible potential to strike a magical spark between two individuals that could bloom into a searing flame of love, and intense passion. Still, it could also be awkward. Or, like, really awkward? That initial kiss doesn’t need to be phenomenally extraordinary, nor should it be a situation where you’re stuck to any one person. Regardless, no debate that mastering your first kiss can be a centric source of stress, so we got some first kiss tips, ready to pull out at the right time.

Table of Contents

How about the average age for a first kiss?

The average age for that initial kiss is reported to be 15, according to the One Love Foundation. Do note, this figure shows an average, and not the line between normal or anything different. It’s a regular thing to have your first experience at the age when you feel prepared, which can depend on elements like your upbringing, religious background, body image, etc. First kisses can drops in at any age, at any random time.

How should a first kiss last?‍‍

Okay, your first kiss should last for quite a long or short as you and your partner desire it to be. It’s kind of important to “read the room” when looking at the kissing business. If your partner’s vibing with it, and you’re totally into it, keep that good kiss rolling. Yet if it feels crooked or strange for any unknown reason, you got all the right to pull away and cut it short. Just let your intuition, and the one you’re smooching, guide you. Straightaway asking if your partner wants to continue is always a reasonable plan, indeed. ‍

Must you be a top kisser for your first kiss?‍‍

Easy answer: no. Detailed explanation: Being a “good kisser” stands for range of various things to everyone. While some love the soft lips, brief pecks, and a clean cut from the tongue. Others are ignited by a smidge of biting and fervency in their kisses. That first-time smooch is mostly a dry run – it’s your first shot to determine what’s your thing. With that said, we have a series of first kiss tricks you can keep handy.

How to score a first kiss

It’s all about keeping it gentle: And so, you must aim to keep your lips supple and void of tightness. And definitely ensure your tongue isn’t on the offensive.

Manage your tongue well-

A lot of peeps fancy a bit of tongue action in their smooching spree,, because it could elevate arousal (which we’ll study later). Though, overdoing tongue gymnastics could be a big turnoff, majorly in such a first kiss. Consider it like your tongue as a playful tool and put it to use with restraint. Keep it right at the front of your partner’s mouth, focusing major tongue movements on the lips rather than the rear of the throat. Don’t forget, your mate should be a lot more fun to kiss they got to breathe properly, right?

Even teeth can be the teasers-

Again, the main element should be your lips, while your tongue and teeth playing their parts on the side. A tiny bite on the lip might turn on the magic, so if you feel like to blend a nibble into the game, go for it. Just remember to be seducing and not ending up in bloodshed.

Cues are all it takes-

The greatest tip is to stick to your partner’s lead if you’re comfy. If an effort for a deeper kiss is on, and you’re feeling it, why wait? And, if there’s anxiety about what your kissing partner may surmise of the experience, communicate and guide them through. Checking if they like what you’re doing, or should you ease off or go aggressive?

Know how your hands gotta work-

Some thoughts: hold your hands on the person’s waist, or leave your hands on either of the person’s shoulders. Or, tenderly, you can place your hands on the face of the person or behind their head.

The aliens also agree that focusing on the nose can make kissing interesting. However, this is subject to personal preference. Okay, the crucial content to hold on to is – be subtle. Unless you have conversed with someone on how they like to be kissed, or until you stumble upon how you love being kissed, keep it neat and keep it slow. You can’t ever go all wrong with light, relaxed lips, a touch of tongue, and a soft touch. When you grasp the basics, you could begin working on upgrades.

What's the vibe of a first kiss?‍‍

Also, this leans on the people involved and the context. As we’ve seen in films and television before, that first kiss could be the source of grand fireworks. If it’s with someone you’re really into and someone you’ve concocted chemistry with, this could totally happen.

A guy on Reddit described their first kiss to be totally “amazing. My mind sort of blanked, and you know people talk about their hearts ‘swelling’? Yeah, that’s what it felt like.” Yet, it was not all roses, since another Reddit lady on the same thread detailed her first smooch as “long, wet and sloppy,” and not charmingly.

Whenever you’re having your first kiss, no matter how it turns out to be physically, it’s pretty likely that you’re going to sense something pretty intense inside of you, right?. Butterflies ruining havoc in your stomach, and an accelerated heart rate is all one could ask for, and all these indicators are directed at arousal. According to, arousal, or feeling sexually “turned on,” might even cause an erection and also increased sensitivity of your penis or clitoris, and getting wet there can follow suit. And if you start having some riveting desires during the kiss, that’s kinda normal, and will elevate your craving and excitement.‍

There's nothing to replace the fact that, the first kiss is intended to be a blast.

Having trouble getting into a good headspace about that first kiss, here’s how one could talk themselves and get their body prepared for when it drops in:

Kissing is fun, as they say- Talk to anybody dumped deep into a romantic kiss, even if just a couple of times, and they’ll agree that, regardless of their own confidence related to their kissing assortments, it’s exciting to kiss someone. A first kiss is more like a roller coaster – the anxiety pressing in right before that first plunge can be a bit disabling and scary. However, as soon as the ride is done, there’s adrenaline screaming you got to do it all over again.

You’re undoubtedly kissable- If there’s a feeling that you might never score a first kiss because you can’t see anyone falling for you – discard it right now! Each one is worthy and deserving of a ripper first kiss, and if you gear up to that self-assured attitude (while still playing with rules of consent and others’ desires), you’re set for a top first kiss.

If your body tells you to stop from going in for a kiss with someone, even if you dream of it to feel right, then just don’t do it. Wait till everything within you is sorted and ready to jump in, no matter how long that could ask for. And don’t rethink it, okay? You’re going to be perfectly fine., The only way to excel at something is getting the hang of it. With time, you’ll learn to kiss better. So, let go, embrace the learning from every smooch, and indulge in your first. You’re set to roll.”

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About Samantha Silk

Samantha Silk is a pseudonymous author known for her elegant and tasteful approach to adult product reviews and sex education. With a background in literature, Samantha weaves together words that celebrate intimacy while maintaining a sense of sophistication.

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